Careers Service Drop-In Schedule For Week Beginning 17th June: Speak To A Careers Adviser Without An Appointment!

Our highly popular Drop-In sessions will continue to take place throughout the summer months! This is your opportunity to pop in to the Careers Centre and speak to a Careers Adviser without the need to make an appointment.

Drop-In sessions are ideal for any quick careers related question that you may have, for example advice on further study, preparing a CV or searching for a job. These sessions operate on a first come first served basis, so please do try to arrive as early as possible to ensure that you can speak to an adviser.

Drop-In times for week beginning 17th June:

  • Tuesday 18th: 1pm – 2pm
  • Wednesday 19th: 11am – 12 noon

Each of these sessions will take place in the Careers Centre, Campus Life Lounge, George Moore building. We always do our best to ensure that these sessions take place every day, but sometimes circumstances may dictate that we have to alter the time or cancel a session at short notice. If travelling to the campus specifically for one of these sessions, please check in advance that there has been no alteration to the time on that particular day.