Design Day – A Series Of Webinars For Students In The Creative Sector

When: Wednesday 17th June 2020

Time: 10am – 4pm

Where: It’s online!

A day long series of webinars will take place which have been tailor made for students in the creative sector. These four webinars are a collaborative effort by Scottish members of the AGCAS (Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services) Creative Industries Interest Group.

There’s no need to attend all four sessions, just choose the ones which are of specific interest to your area of study. To join a session, please click on the link provided 5 minutes before the start time. day 17th June.

Here’s the programme of online events: 

10am – 10.30 am: Craft Scotland – Looking at reaching digital audiences. To attend this session click here.

11am -12pm: Design – Keeping Creative and Job Ready during Covid: Panel includes

  • Anna Wright, Illustrator
  • Helen Voce, Applied Arts Scotland, Design Exhibition Scotland
  • Lynzi Leroy, Scottish Design Exchange

To attend this session click here.

1pm – 2pm: Digital DesignKeeping Creative and Job Ready during Covid: Panel includes:

  • 442 Design
  • Whitespace (tbc)
  • Playdead (tbc)
  • King Games (tbc)

To attend this session click here.

3-4pm: IP and Design:

To attend this session click here.